Krait is a robot specifically designed to perform cleaning, forecasting, and monitoring of sewer clogging. It is having of a flexible robotic arm that can dive inside sewer chambers of various heights and perform cleaning operations to remove wet waste, clumps of residues and clogging from the inlet and outlet pipes.
This flexible arm consists of inbuilt jet & suction mechanised tools that can worst clean and then record 3-dimensional structure for next cleaning operations at the same location.
These cleaning operations can be operated from an amenable user interface, available on the kraitbody with controllers. There are various sensors and cameras installed on the cleaning arm to analyses the sewer waste toxicity, air quality inside the lines, and dimensional structure.
The problems encountered while cleaning individual sewer hole will be uploaded in the databasealong with many inputs and variables to analyse the demographics of specialised area. Moreover, to this all the data related to work in progress, operational time, operation type will be visualised over the dashboard.
These visualised data and reports will further connect to create cleaning schedules of various cities.