SwachhXchange has been launched by Villgro Innovations Foundation, as part of the Swachhata Startup Challenge, a joint initiative by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and the AFD (Agence Française de Développement).
Our goal is to bring innovative startups together to solve India’s waste management challenges
Startups also showcase how the waste can be turned into revenue generating value which further incentivises all stakeholders.
To increase social impact across geographic locations and people involved from all backgrounds
Improve transparency across the waste value-chain
Reducing the use of single-use plastic and promote alternatives
How We Achieve Our Goals
Using new technologies in the waste management sector across geographies and the entire waste value chain
Fostering partnerships with the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), Central Government and State Government Departments, Public Sector Units (PSUs) and Corporates
Evaluation Process For Our Startups
These featured startups have been selected after multiple rounds of evaluation by the jury composed of AFD staff, qualified personalities representative and emblematic of the startup, social impact and waste management ecosystems in India and from a variety of competent structures (including institutions, companies, professional groups, training and research institutions, enterprise support organisations, and civil society)
Advantages of SwachhXChange
Driving Inclusiveness of Innovation through Multiple Sector Categories
Ease of Access to New and Emerging Technologies
Easy to Comprehend Interface to Search, Filter, Compare, Select and Enquire
The power of innovation combined with entrepreneurship in order to impact under-served populations.
Villgro was founded in 2001 by Paul Basil, with a mission to create impactful, innovative and successful social enterprises.Core to our work is the belief that market based models are a powerful way to solve social problems and create impact at scale. By capacitating these models with the right resources and knowledge, they are a sustainable way of creating lasting social impact.